Thursday, March 11, 2010

Next to Last Weight-In

Well, this week, my friends, I lost 3.8 pounds, which keeps me in first place!  I know that is what you wanted to know so I did not want to keep you waiting.  Thank you once again for all my supporters, especially my husband Ben.  I think he needs to be rewarded for his unwavering support.  There are many more, but I will save those thank you's for later, but I had to name the top one.  Ben has adopted the healthy life change right with me, and is willing to help me stay on this road.  Today was a bigger feat for me.  I achieved the goal that I made personally for myself, which was is to lose no less than 30 pounds with HCC. In less than 12 weeks.  I did it!!  That would put me now at 61 pounds on my journey!  I am very proud of how far I have come.  I cannot stop now, but I will be over my goal by next week for the challenge.  (I still have 10-15 pounds that I'd like to lose after the HCC challenge ends.)

I am very proud to let you all know that I am getting certified in group training, with a focus on water aerobics.  In fact, I have formed a small group of 4 people to work out with so that they can be ready for HCC in September.  Hopefully they get accepted.  I really feel great helping them.  I will continue on this journey myself and will be successful.  I am determined never to wear a size 16/18 ever again.   I am happy to announce that I was wearing a size 12, fitted skirt tonight.  I have a size 10 blazer that I can't seem to stop wearing, just because it says a size 10.  (LOL)  My goal is to get to size 8.  I think 10-15 more pounds may get me there (and I won't even be upset with  a few 10's) .  For me, this was not all about size.  It was more about getting healthy.  Putting a disease in remission.   The looking good and feeling good is just fruitage of my hard work.

Yes, I know some say you can't keep up this pace.  I wanted to end strong in the last two weeks, which was one of my goals, but I have NO DOUBT I will never stop working out.  I love it!  I am happy I was laid-off from my job now, because it allowed me to have this much-needed time.  The only time in my life that I have dedicated me to me.   I don't think 12 weeks is much to ask for yourself.  (If you are thinking about doing this.)

This has been so much fun for me!  I have met a lot of people who have struggled with the same issues.  My favorite has been water aerobics and Zumba classes.   Our team workouts were great, but more work than anything.  I can't say I love them.  I always felt good afterward, knowing I accomplished something that was hard for me, such as running.  I will keep up the running and the weight training I have learned from Laurie.   I have only dedicated 2 hours on an average to working out daily.  Seems like more.  I admit I added a little more this past week or my scales would not move.  I weighed myself everyday, and I learned from several mentors that I should continue to do so.  By the way, the one mentor tonight had me inspirational.  Great meeting.  After the program, we still have to weigh in for 6 weeks on our own....that is great (no competition, just follow-up).

Hey!  Don't forget me this week......still need you.  Some are wondering if I will continue to blog.  Well, maybe not every night.  Perhaps once or twice a week.  My plans for workout will be everyday at the time I wish to workout! (My schedule will be easier  now I can give more to my volunteer bible work.)  On the weekends, we plan on including workout or activities that will keep us moving...such as kayaking and biking.  My current menu selections will stay the same.  I love the way I am eating now.  I have more energy and feel great.  I will talk more about that after the challenge.   Many say I look younger, which I love to hear.  I humbly accept these compliments because I worked hard for the results.  Next week will be a celebration, no matter what.

Tonight I looked up at the end of the meeting and my husband was standing beside me.  Just like he always does.  Just a sign of his support.

1 comment:

  1. wow what a life change,you are a inspiration to many people this journey is not just about weight, but being healthy. if you are in physical shape your mind will catch up,just think of all the people reading this it gives them hope for a life change, keep the word out there gina you are a blessing to many people, you are a blessing
