Friday, January 22, 2010

Mama Needs A New Pair Of Shoes

After our weigh-in, Laurie had a very good pep talk, keeping things positive, but giving us a good kick in the pants - which is what we really needed!  As a team, we are in last place again this week, which is very tough on all of us.  Today, at our team workout, Laurie immediately said, "we are going to start off the day with a mile run!" And guess what!  I did.

I will tell you that I am doing more running than power walking than I did last week.  Laurie is keeping individual time records now, so I will give you those stats soon.

Mizuno Wave® Nirvana™ 5I got my new shoes today, at TRY SPORTS! in Mt. Pleasant because, more and more, I'm feeling as though it is the only way I could continue the running program.  My feet, shins and back were killing me.  Hopefully, the new shoes will help.  The staff at TRY SPORTS actually put their customers on a treadmill and watch you run.  It's a great place but once I got home and shopped around online, I found out that I can beat the price at Zappos or Amazon when it comes time for a new pair.  Anyway, I found out that I over-pronate when I run (which means that I use the inner edge of my foot when I stand, walk, or run) which (of course) requires a certain type of shoe.  I finally ended up buying the Mizuno Wave Nirvana 5.  They feel like I am running on air.   I wished I had them earlier in training, when we did the obstical course.

Laurie had us pull playing cards today, and that's how many reps we had to do when we ran to each square on a tennis court outside.  We did side planks.  We did push-ups, running from square to square doing the amount of reps, each time dictated by the face value of the card we drew.  (I got the highest number the first time 10, go figure....  Our last exercise sets were burpees.  Stay tuned for a video that illustrates that work out!  (Maybe tomorrow.  I have the bridge run again)

Yesterday, I promised you a treat!  I want you to take notice of what keeps me motivated.  What keeps me driven!  What makes me want to put everything healthy in my mouth and work my body to it's full potential!  So I can play, run and jump with them. (And give big hugs and kisses too)  
There is nothing like my beautiful grandchildren.  I will post Ben's and my children soon.  (My doggies are the Yorkies and the other little doggie is my granddog)
Scroll all the way down to see them all.


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