Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Results Weigh In!!!

Well family and friends....    ...guess what!

I lost 9.4 pounds in one week!   I was the "Biggest Loser" for the 1st week of the competition in TWO CATEGORIES:  actual weight lost AND percentage of weight lost!  Yes!!!  Two categories!!  I have lost 4.76% of bodyfat in one week with the Healthy Charleston Challenge.   I am so excited!  As a team member,  I was a little sad because several of my teammates did not have a weight loss this week.  I think that next week will be better for them.   I hope I will be able to encourage them in anyway I can, because some of them were a little down.   So it was a bittersweet victory for me because they really encouraged me during the workouts.  At the end of the contest, we will have a Female Biggest Loser, a Male Biggest Loser and the top team Biggest Loser.  We have to keep in mind that there will never be an end to this.  We must all keep moving and making this a lifestyle change!  I want us all to win!  I promise I will keep working even harder the rest of the week. 

One great compliment was from Laurie my trainer who said "Gina I am proud of you girl". Now she knows her killer workouts were not in vain.  A male on one of the other teams said " Hey congratulation on your baby" I look at him puzzled and he said you loss a baby at 9.6!  What a compliment from a competitor.  The confidence I am gaining will help me along the way.  Yes, I can do this!!

Before the weigh-in, I attended "Joe's Band Class",  or at least I think that's the name of it.  Wow!  The things you can do with those giant rubber bands people!  He had the nerve to tell us to put a stamp on our butts and mail it.  I thought to myself "Oh no!  He did not just say that!"  It was funny because some of us needed to get our butts moving before weigh-in.  Fun class, though.  I actually might start to like working out.  I even walked to class, which is a about a mile from my front door.  (Piece of cake after all the running we did this week.)

Tomorrow's workout is going to be outside!!  I think our trainer is going to really push us tomorrow.  Stay tuned tomorrow for a great recipe.   I am going to take a team picture tomorrow since several had to leave before our nutritional class was over. By the way, Janis, our program director, said that, as a whole, we lost more weight than any group they have had in the past.  Total weight lost was 423 pounds.  Go HCC!

Please post a comment and cheer me on!!  Don't forget to follow me to the left of the page. If you like to read the detail newsletter from the hospital with who I am up against please click on link.  


  1. Way to go on your first week Mom!!! I am so proud of you! Keep going!!

  2. Gina, this is great! Like you I have been suffering from a lot of painful chronic conditions due, at least in large part, to serious weight gain. I'm dealing with some other issues that you and I can discuss later, but for now, CONGRATULATIONS on taking this step and your success so far; looking forward to joining you on my end! All the best. Cynthia
