Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spring-Like Day

Yea!!!  The sun is shinning and it feels like Spring,BUT when I woke up this morning I noticed that my eyes, hands, and knees were swollen today.  My immediate thought was, "I am allergic to oysters!"   I had them only once before, but only a few.  I "Google"d it later that day and found that oysters are the worse food I can eat for my type of condition.  I was so proud to have looked at the calories prior to the party but little did I think these little things could cause swelling.  I have not felt good all day.  So to combat the swelling, I have been drinking lots of water to flush this junk out of my system.  I felt like staying in bed today, and believe me, that is far from how great I have been feeling.  I fought the feeling and push myself to do my normal Sunday routine.

I attended our Sunday workout today called "Total Body".  It was truly total body and it pushed my fittness limits to the max at times.  When I completed the class I felt better than I did when I entered the class.   It is so amazing how much I can do compared to the first 2 weeks into the program.  Weight training is so important for the body.  We use the body bar and weights throughout the class.  We also learned how important it is to build muscles.  We cannot compromise that!   I am starting to notice a few muscles cuts on me....oh yea!

Today I met one of the yoga teachers, and, searching for her method of teaching, I began asking her questions.   I do not want to be in a class where there is a lot of chanting going on and I can't understand a word they are saying.  Nor do I want to go to some land I do not want to go.  You know what I mean?  She assured me that she does not do that.  Mainly, a lot of stretching and a lot of core excercise.  She did warn that some positions may be challenging, but not to feel bad if I couldn't do them all.   Somewhat hesitant, I decided to take the class today after Total Body.  Why not?  Dinner is cooked, and Ben is just home relaxing.  I really enjoyed the class, especially when she said, "sit back like a toddler".   Wow!  I can do that move.  We did some moves that tested every muscle on my body.  Remember Gumby?  Well, I had to twist myself like that.  I was in full control of how far I could push my body.  At one point, she came over to help me with a few moves.  What a challenge this class was for me!  The best part was at the end, when she turned off the lights and we just layed on our backs, lengthening our spine, and guess what ...       ...I heard myself snoring.  How embarssing!  I hope no one heard me.  That was my nap that I told you I wanted to get. (Maybe 8 mins)  Wow!  What a power nap!  I will be back!  Since I am a little more hyper-active these days, I should do this at least once a week.

Well, got to get ready for a powerful week.  Don't forget I have a suprise for you mid-week. 

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