Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday Reflections

Thanks you for your concerns regarding Ben's car accident.  He is a pretty tough man.  The doctor said that he has mild whiplash and he is to take Ibuprofen. This is pretty common when someone hits you from behind.  He appreciates all of your concerns.

Today's team work out was great.  I would have done burpee's if asked...   hey, she did not ask today.  Ran laps and did our circuit type training non-stop.  Good last group workout before weigh-in.  Each week I can feel the changes.  Patience is very much needed in this process.  Something I have to work on at times.   After class we all stuck around for Kim to weigh-in since she is going on my favorite type of trip, a cruise.  She weighs-in today since she won't be here tomorrow.  She came out and said "just a pound", but, hey a pound is everything!  In fact, I said, "just think of how your body is changing on the inside".  Kim always works hard at the workouts.  Now, I can't wait till weigh-in.  Yes!  I said it!  I refuse to let the scales put me is a tizzy again. 

 I am looking forward to having one glass of wine for my anniversary, which is February 24th.  I would like to go out for dinner because I can now make healthy choices.  I have not had one glass of wine since starting HCC.  When I found out that there are 200 calories in a half of glass of wine, I said to myself I rather be chewing on something for that many calories. Any suggestions for places to go in Charleston for dinner?  We love seafood (baked, not fried).

I think back on how my life was about 4 months ago when I started my journey.  I was afraid to push my body because of having had a brain tumor, poor mobility and now having Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS).  I have had no pain lately from AS.  In fact, my mobility has greatly improved.  I have not broke a bone or needed the gym defibrillators.  I am not starving myself, just eating healthy.  I would like to thank both Dr. Kim Davis, my MUSC internist, and Dr. Daniel, my rheumatologist,  also MUSC, for such great care.  They are going to be shocked when they see how well I am doing.  You could not find any finer doctors then these two.  Dr. Davis made Doctor of the Year 2009.  Well deserved.  She is such a kind and very knowledgeable health professional.  She is a mother and a real person and treats me like a person, not another patient.  Dr. Daniel was not my best friend at first, somewhat intimidating because of wanting me to try this injectable drug to slow the progression of my disease at my first meeting with him. (Humira), but  I decided not to take this drug mainly due to the side effects.  My choice  to follow an alternative path that I read about which included a change of diet and exercise. I had read many cases of people with AS changing the progression of the disease just from a change to their diet and exercise. This is an auto-immune and inflammatory disease which researchers have discovered that, (guess what) some foods are not good for you and may spark flare-ups of the symptoms..... a list which includes all of the "white" foods.  This is something we are encouraged to avoid by our food counselors at HCC.  When Dr. Daniel saw me after starting the swim aerobics, he was not in as much of a hurry to push me to take the Humira.  In fact, I told him I wanted to do the HCC program and he was very, very supportive.   He did not doubt my motivation and drive and seem to be impressed.  Let's see what he says now.  I really respect him as a doctor now because he has not fought me on what I decided to do with my body, despite his advice to the contrary.  Now that is a good doctor.   Friends, it's your body.  Do not be afraid to question things, do your research, and go with what you feel will give you the best quality of life.  Yes, I could end up in a wheelchair or the iritis I have had in the past, a symptom also related to the AS diagnosis, could cause blindness, but guess what, I am not sitting around waiting for that to happen! 

Since so many have asked me what is this, please follow the link below for more information.

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