Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl

The only time l'll sit around and want to watch a game of any kind on TV is the Super Bowl.  I like the commercials (oh, no I dont like the beer commercials, because I would rather have wine) and the half-time entertainment.   The food used to be a big hit with me.  I could have gone to a party tonight, but I opted to eat my healthy treats tonight and stay home.  No regrets here!  My friend was nice enough to tell me her menu, which was more fat and sugar than I want to talk about.  We have learned how to say "NO" at one of our meetings, so I thought I'd put it in practice.  My friend understands and was really trying to be supportive of my new life.  I am sure that soon I will be able to join a party such as this, but I rather wait till I am stronger at saying "no".  So  Home it is!   My home is a cozy older historical Charleston home.  My decor definitly fits my personality.  I love vintage, and the cottage-feel type home.  Somewhat eclectic.  I can't wait to update my kitchen, which it is my next project.  I have the fireplace on, and a candle burning with a nice cranberry scent.  It makes me appreciate the simpler things in life. 

At Thursday night's HCC meeting, they talked about sweet potato fries, baked in the oven.  I am more of a California girl -- eating sushi and sipping plum wine.  So, for me this truly is lifestyle change.  I thought I'd give this healthy southern dish a try.  I got the receipe from (see the link below).  They are cooking as we speak, so I will have to let you know how they come out.

They are really good!  I dipped them in Fage, which is a brand ofI plain greek yogurt that is really good for you and great for dipping or toppings. (a tip from HCC)   I made blackbean soup for dinner and topped it with this yogart in stead of using sour cream.  I also topped my black beans with this topping, green, red, and yellow bell peppers, onions, garlic and lime juice squeeze over them.  I also sauteed the vegetables in a tablespoon of olive oil. 

I went to the Sunday's group HCC class.  Guess what!  It was Zumba!  My favorite!  I dashed in to the bath to take off my heels, stockings, and dress from my morning spiritual food into my Wellness Center "uniform" (you know that's what I call my workout gear since I am in them often).  This Zumba class was fun because, unlike the one during the week, we had men in the class.  Don't tell the men, but it was hilarious to see them trying to dance and keep up. (I give them a lot of credit for being brave enough to attend).  The instructor was also a guy, but no doubt, he is a true dancer.  He had us do a dance for the people in Haiti.  I could look around and tell everyone was into this dance -- every movement, every step.   It was an African dance, where you almost feel like you could fly.  It did make me think of the hard times they are enduring in Haiti.  My heartfelt prayers go out to them.

This was a great day!  I fit everything in my schedule and I feel great!   Home sweet home!


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