Thursday, February 11, 2010

Weigh-In #5

I know you are all looking forward to hearing the weigh-in results .....well after going back and looking over previous food-logs, examining them closely, and increasing my work out it, it was a great week.  I am very proud because it was my idea to examine my food-logs and see what worked for me in the past weeks.  (HCC , I love this food tracking.  It works!)  I also schedule everything from my bible work, time with family,  housework, grocery shopping.  I even cooked several meals on Sunday. 

My total weight loss today was FOUR POUNDS, which put me back in FIRST PLACE!!!!  That is close to 17 pounds (I may be a little off, I'll double check) with HCC and 47 total on my journey.  I am getting my life back!  Thank you for all of your support this week! 

Stay tuned tomorrow for photos and much more!!  I am very tired tonight.


  1. Wow mom Rick and I are really amazed at how well your doing. What's's not another diet, it's a whole life change. I have noticed that your topic of conversation is so much more cheerful then it use to be. Your shedding pounds and stress. I can't wait to take you shopping.

  2. Soleil says "Go grandma go grandma go grandma!"

  3. I wish i could fly out there to see your skinny butt
